Prospect researchers use a variety of methods and publicly available sources in the course of their work, but the most indispensable of these are online research and open-source data.
This chapter explores how prospect researchers can make best use of Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) & online research to provide high quality information that informs fundraising.
In framing this chapter, we must first explain what we mean by Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) & online research in the context of prospect research. We use the term Open-source Intelligence (OSINT) to refer to the collection and analysis of information from sources that are accessible by the general public. Open-source data can take many forms and can be grouped into a number of broad categories, including: news media, published or broadcast to a public audience (for example, online and print newspapers, magazines, radio, and television); social media websites and all types of online blogs and discussion forums; Government records (for example census data, births, marriages and deaths data, Parliamentary reports and hearings); professional and academic publications (such as journals, conferences, academic papers); commercial data (for example, financial and industry data accessible via payment of a subscription fee).
While online research and web searches are perhaps the most common method for prospect researchers to gather open-source data, there are many types of offline open-source information. For instance, hard-copy publications and journals held in archives and libraries or specific business registries, which can be used to supplement and verify online research. Even the information exchanged verbally at public events and meetings can be considered a type of open-source data.
This chapter focuses on online research sources, tools, and techniques, including an overview of search engine and social media intelligence and paid-for resources, as well as advice on relevant prioritisation & time management skills, and some of the important ethical & legal considerations to be aware of.
Our aim is to give researchers greater confidence to navigate the online landscape and develop greater knowledge and skills to help them carry out open-source and online research in a more informed, effective, and innovative way.